Welche Leidenschaft auch immer du hast, finde hier deinen passenden Italiano-sprachigen Guide für ein unvergessliches Reiseerlebnis. Unsere privaten Reiseleiter in San sebastian können eine 100% personalisierte Tour nach deinen Wünschen zusammenstellen.
Nuestros locales conocen San sebastian como la palma de su mano! Cualquiera que sea tu pasión, te mostrarán los mejores lugares de toda la ciudad durante tu tour. Saben exactamente qué hacer, qué ver y, lo más importante, dónde comer en toda la ciudad.
Echa un vistazo a estos consejos geniales de nuestros increíbles locales. Nuestra comunidad viajera local está más que dispuesta a compartir algunos consejos y a mostrarte su versión de su querida ciudad.
Ve todos los tours en San sebastian con un guía en ItalianoUsua was great for our family. She was very knowledgeable and took us to 3 great pintxos locations. Would definitely recommend!!!
The food tour was wonderful. Usually was very responsive to messages before the tour and was able to accommodate our dietary preferences. Usually was amazingly knowledgeable and took us to some fantastic local spots and gave us some really good recommendations and guidance for the rest of our trip.
We had a lovely few hours with Usua who was able to introduce my wife and I to not only the cuisine of San Sebastien but the culture and history. The food and drink we were introduced to were excellent and we would not have know about them or what to ask for without Usua's advice.