Shopping in Milan
Milan is synonymous with shopping, and it’s really no surprise considering it’s the fashion capital of the world. Shopping in Milan is certainly not cheap, but if you appreciate quality over tack, you’ll be in heaven.
It’s no secret people in Milan love to shop and it's one of the most popular things to do in Milan. It’s not uncommon to see the fashionable Milanese parading down the street with their designer bags in tow. However, contrary to popular belief not everyone in Milan can afford to shop for Italian designer goods, but this doesn’t stop them from being super cool in their look.
Shopping in Milan is exciting and inspiring, and it’s not uncommon that you’ll come across some one-off designer pieces. Even if you’re not shopping yourself, window shopping is also a popular sport in Milan, so put on your glad rags and a pair of comfy shoes and get ready to do some serious walking because when the Milanese go shopping, they mean business.