Having travelled to over 20 countries and 45 different cities has made a{ huge impact to me on widening my perspective of life,becoming familiar with other cultures and traditions but most importantly meeting extremely interesting people.Things that really enthuse me are the natural and healthy lifestyle,reading books that improve my life and skills,personal development,meditation,entrepreneurship and economics.I love getting in my car,picking up my friends, discovering new places and walking into the nature.The reason I live in Athens is the smooth climate, my loving people,the business I am building on helping and giving solutions to companies to orientate towards a global scale and of course the great variety of quality food and traditional products.This city is really lively from crowded areas full of lights and colors to cultural and ancient interest.Together we can explore the worthiest scenic and finest aspects of places nearby city,drive you to picturesque destinations and wander around distinct locations all of them one foot away from the sea.I'm looking forward to share with you my favorite places and the most worth visiting areas around Athens and feel like Greek.
Let's explore Athens together! As your local guide, I'll show you the best of Athens on a private & personalized tour for you.
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