
History enthusiast and experienced tour guide.

  • I live in Wroc\u0142aw
  • I speak English, Español
  • Verified Local host
  • Response time less than 12 hours

Hi there! Nice to meet you


I would say that due to the fact that i was during an erasmus here last year I clearly fell in love with this city, it´s vibrant nightlife, relaxing atmosphere and vibrant night makes it perfect for making some experience that you will remember.

I think that Wroclaw it´s a city of contrast and dynamism, due to the fact of it´s turbulent history and the strategic position of the city in the Europe scenario, Wroclaw has a lot of things to offer (maybe that´s why this city has changed this name more than 4 times), and it´s one of the "hidden jewels" of Poland.

  • I live in Wroc\u0142aw
  • I speak English, Español
  • Verified Local host
  • Response time less than 12 hours

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15 September 2024
Jorge was the best kind of tour guide. Knowledgeable about the town and its complicated history, honest and just a little bit opinionated about living and working here. He led us on a culinary tour that was at the same time a cultural and historical tour of the region, with lots of commentary of his own drawn from his studies and interest in history. We all thoroughly enjoyed the tour and felt that we got a lot out of it, too.Best introduction to a beautiful city
22 May 2024
Jorge ist einfach großartig: Er kennt sich in Geschichte richtig gut aus!! Er kennt alle Details und noch viel mehr!!! Alle Geheimisse und Geschichten. Vor allem aber: Er macht seine Führung mit Leidenschaft!! So spannend. Nie langweilig. Und natürlich weiss er auch alles über die Gegenwart, über die junge dynamische Stadt. Ganz individuell und nach unseren Wünschen hat er uns durch Wroclaw geführt. Und auch noch Restaurants empfohlen und für uns die besten Plätze reserviert. Jorge kennenzulernen und seine Tour war ein Höhepunkt unseres Wroclaw-Besuchs. Jorge we love you!! All the best to your projects. Danke!!!!! Jorge is the best!!!

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