It has been 10 years enjoying this wonderful city, where every day there is something to discover. That is my passion, paying attention to the details that others go unnoticed. Investigate its past and its history. And then share it with all kinds of people, because there is a Munich for every age, for every type of visit and even for those of us who live here. Tell me what interests you and I will guide you at your pace. My goal is to give you the opportunity to find your own "Gemütlichkeit", a word with which Bavarians define that state of well-being in which one knows how to enjoy simple things.
Son ya 10 años disfrutando de esta maravillosa ciudad, en la que cada día hay algo por descubrir. Esa es mi pasión, fijarme en los detalles que a otros les pasan desapercibidos. Indagar en su pasado y su historia. Para luego compartirlo con todo tipo de gente, porque hay un Munich para cada edad, para cada tipo de visita e incluso para los que vivimos aqui. Dime que te interesa y te guiaré a tu ritmo. Mi objetivo es darte la oportunidad de encontrar tu propio "Gemütlichkeit", palabra con la que lo bávaros definen ese estado de bienestar en el que se sabe disfrutar de las cosas sencillas
Let's explore Munich together! As your local guide, I'll show you the best of Munich on a private & personalized tour for you.
All Withlocals tours are completely customisable to your needs. Just let me know your preferences for a private and personalized experience!